This website is dedicated to preserving the history of railway surgeons and hospitals, and educating the public about their work and contributions to medicine. Currently there is no physical facility associated with this site. A long-term dream is to establish a railway surgery museum, or an exhibit in another museum.
S. Gillespie, M.D., M.P.H. is a pediatrician. His
interest in
railway surgery developed as the logical combination of his love of
trains and
history mixed with a career in medicine. He has spent many years
researching the history of railroad medical systems. Dr.
Gillespie earned
his Doctor of Medicine degree at the University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, and a Master of Public Health degree at the University of
Washington. He now practices in Fort
Worth, Texas and surrounding areas.
Dr. Gillespie has published many articles in scientific and popular publications, including Trains, Classic Trains, Michigan History,, Pediatrics in Review and Pediatric Nephrology (see list of publications and speaking engagements). He frequently gives presentations to medical groups, and has served on the faculty of Texas A&M University College of Medicine. He has been interviewed by KIII-TV (ABC), KZTV (CBS) and KORO (Univision) in south Texas. Dr. Gillespie also has served as a consultant to the Food and Drug Administration, and as a reviewer for scientific journals, including Pediatric Nephrology, Pediatrics and Nature Clinical Practice: Nephrology.
Dr. Gillespie also established, a website of resources for pediatric medical professionals.
Click "View"
to see
Dr. Gillespie's current bibliography on PubMed
(opens in new window):
Need a speaker?
Dr. Gillespie is available for lectures and other speaking engagements. He can speak to any type of audience, including history or railroad organizations, medical groups or the general public. Content can be tailored to meet the needs of your group. Please feel free to contact him to discuss your needs and any ideas you may have.
Contact information
Comments, questions, suggestions, and any new information or photos are very welcome! Please email or blog your thoughts!
Email: robert @
Phone: (682) 885-4260
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